Tuesday, February 24, 2015

San Diego Trip

We made a special trip down to San Diego in order to see my close friend Matty's new baby boy. It was a very special trip because he and his wife Danielle are raising baby Milo in the house he grew up in and the house I spent a ton of my childhood in as well. It was surreal sitting in the family room he and I crawled around in as babies with OUR babies. It was also incredibly bittersweet because Mary Anne wasn't there to witness this amazing moment. Matty's mom (and my mom's best friend) sadly passed away last year. Even though the occasion was tinged with some sadness I'm so appreciative that we were able to make the trip happen.

Since Pauma Valley isn't exactly a quick trip we decided to also plan a trip to the Safari Park and stay the night at Pala. The last time I was there was with Matty and we were probably 12 years old? So, over 15 years ago? Crazy. We set up a special VIP tour so that we could make the most of our short time there and it ended up being the most amazing adventure we've ever had with the girls. We also got in a quick trip to Bates Nut Farm which I probably hadn't visited since I was 18. Overall it was such an awesome trip and I'm so thankful for the special bond I've always had with Matty and I hope that continues with our kids!

Wild horses 
Who can say they've fed a rhino?? 
Endangered Sumatran Tiger (grandma)
Despite how they look, Meerkats are quite angry little things!
We also got to feed the red river hogs!
We also learned Emma has quite the wind up!
Feeding ducks
Probably the cutest and sweetest animals we got to see, feed, and touch. Sadly, I can't remember their name for the life of me!
This was such a special treat. This is a 1 month old endangered Okapi named Amaranta. The girls had been so sweet and gentle up to this point so we got permission to visit and touch this rather large 1 month old baby. Honestly, I'm still in awe that the girls got to meet and touch an endangered baby! I'm so proud of how kind they treated all the animals!
We got to feed Amaranta's mommy Makini who, even though was huge, was so kind and gentle for a new mommy that just let us near her baby. I can't say enough what an incredible experience this was. 
Lu loved this girl!
When we filled out our suggestion card last week for our tour Olivia chose birds of prey. We really tried to talk her out of that choice but she wouldn't budge! She definitely keeps us on our toes but it was worth it to see her so excited over this guy!
Yellow mouth to trick prey to fly right into its mouth because it looks like a flower when open!
I think this armadillo was the girls' favorite!
Emma was a little hesitant because as soon as she held her she started to open up!
Bates Nut Farm
Baby Milo!
The perks of being friends with avocado ranchers!