Monday, July 13, 2015

Jam-Packed Summer

This summer has been incredibly busy for us, with something going on almost every single day. Now, we are just 3 weeks away from the start of preschool! I am totally not ready for this new milestone and so, in between our 1,000 events this summer, I've been squeezing in every bonding opportunity I could!

After learning Olivia was allergic to dogs and making some medication and lifestyle changes it was still clear her apnea, snoring, and constant sickness was an issue. She was such a trooper and slept through the night at her sleep study with all this junk! We learned that while her apnea is only a few seconds her breathing IS obstructed. We meet with the surgeon next week to discuss taking out her adenoids and tonsils. Another event I'm just not ready for...
Father's Day at Salt Creek
Fun at lunch with my ladies
Grandma Linda pulled out all of my old Polly Pockets for the girls to play with!
This kid and her fashion sense--nails done, dressed herself. 
It takes forever to get out of the house with these two: I forgot my necklace, I need my sunglasses...
Reading some Nancy Drew while visiting great nana
It's official! The cutest thing ever. Cousins dancing together!
Dance camp week 1. First time I've ever dropped the girls off somewhere and left! It was great practice for this momma that cried while driving away. By day 2 I was freaking out by how little I actually got done--I needed more time!! Haha. 
Carrots are just a couple weeks away from being ready. 
Beets are just about ready as well
Corn on July 13, same stalk ONE WEEK later!
Corn is starting to come in!!
Our pumpkins are out of control and have started exiting the huge planter! This vine was wrapped around our baby orange tree, took me forever to separate them!
We've got about 5 huge butternut squash going, only 1 zucchini so far but fingers crossed for more!
Those 3 days of rain really confused the girls. In their 4 years they've seen very little rain. They've actually seen more days of snow then rain, crazy huh?
Week 2 of dance camp
Making our own potato chips!
The girls' 4th birthday party! Are they not toddlers anymore? :-( I'm so proud of the little ladies they're becoming but I'm sad how much more independent they're becoming. I'm not ready for preschool. 
Another milestone...being able to dance together in the garage. Like actually DANCE TOGETHER. I cry just looking at this. 
Divas even on our practice walks to school. So far we are only making it about 3/4 of the way to their school before they're tired. We may have to hold off on walking to school lol. 
When I asked Olivia what her painting was she said it is her on the tv because she is famous...
I know there's legitimate equipment for this but this is how we clean the fish tank around here!
I think Dozer may have just as hard a time as me when preschool starts!
Meema and I handled 4 kids, 4 and under at great nanas AND lunch out (thanks to auntie nat) while Lauren and Corey got a much needed vacation!
Leaving nanas
Pizza lunch!