Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Halloween Fun

We have had to do our "Halloween Festivities" a little earlier than we originally planned because my gall bladder surgery is this Friday.  My surgery was originally scheduled for November 8th and that was a horrible date as the girls have tons of doctors appointments and we have lots of other events right around then.  So I'm thrilled they changed it but it also fast-tracked our Halloween activities (pictures, Lombardi Ranch, pumpkins, etc).  Below are some pictures we took for our Halloween cards we mailed out.  The girls were really good sports about the whole thing--no one cried and they let us continually try to shove them both into one pumpkin (clearly this did NOT end up working!).

Emma & Olivia

Olivia....going, going, gone....Emma!

Tonight we took the girls to Lombardi Ranch to pick out their pumpkins, walk the sunflower field, and look at the animals.  They did really well and only fell asleep at the very end!  We plan on carving their pumpkins for them in a week or two and I'll do a post then.  As a lil tidbit...we picked out their pumpkins tonight based on how WE see the girls...we are weird like that :-)  These are some pictures from our adventure at Lombardi's.

We can make this work right?
Good enough!

Such a thoughtful one she is

Done & Done

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