Wednesday, December 28, 2011


The girls thoroughly enjoyed Christmas!  Well, I think they mostly enjoyed all the toys and attention.  We went way overboard on things for them (and when I say we, I guess I really mean "me") but it was such a fun time watching them that I don't really care :-)  They did really well with the hectic day and multiple people in and out of our house.  Here are some pictures from Christmas Eve and Christmas Day:

Christmas Eve-heading out to see lights again
Christmas Morning!
Ready for presents
Trying to wake up on Christmas morning!
Too many presents? NEVER
Ohhhh ball!!
Tissue paper yay!


This is exhausting ma!!

And yes, my sister is letting her play with a plastic bag lol

End of the night-Lu is finally wearing down and Emma is asleep on Alex

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Festivities & Five Months

     Let me just start off by saying I LOVE THIS TIME OF YEAR!!  I love it so much more this time around because we are getting to spend it with our little girlies.  Also, I love it so much more this time around because last year I was newly pregnant and fairly miserable (i.e. running to the bathroom in between trying to decorate the tree, not eating much at Christmas Dinner, falling asleep at Chadbourne Bingo, etc.).  So this year we have spared no detail-involving the girls in every little thing and maxing out the space on my camera memory card :-)
     We took the girls with us to pick out a tree, letting them touch them all and freaking out when Olivia shoved a whole handful of needles into her mouth.  When it came time to decorate the tree we brought the girls' chairs into the room so they could watch and listen to Christmas music with us.  We let them play with some ornaments but they mostly enjoyed the tissue paper all the ornaments had been wrapped in.
     The girls experienced their first Chadbourne Bingo Party (the annual Saturday-before-Christmas event composed of yelling, accusations of cheating, drinking & eating,  and all-out-war over Bingo).  They did fairly well considering they missed a nap and stayed up 2 hours past their normal bedtime.  In typical fashion, they showed off their happy screaming all through dinner and part of Bingo (more details on happy screaming below).  Olivia took a liking to cousin Nick (5 years)--I think it's because they both have the most adorable smiles and just kept feeding off each others smiles , hehe.  Emma is my lovebug and quite attached to Alex and I and therefore let few people hold her for any length of time.  Small steps baby girl, small steps. 
     Finally, on Monday night, we walked with our neighbors from across the street (whose daughter Reaghan is 6 months older than the girls) to see the street that always wins number 1 in our city for Christmas lights--Wakefield Court.  We are so fortunate to have this street right across from us because as the girls get older they will enjoy it so much more.  Daddy held Emma who took everything in with wide eyes, as I pushed Livi in the stroller.  Livi got excited a few times but until we can move them into the forward-facing stroller I imagine she gets pretty bored facing me!  Reaghan was hilarious--she waved the entire time (like she was in a parade) switching arms when one got tired.  When we got to a part of the street with music she danced in her stroller.  I absolutely cannot wait for this group of little ladies to be a little older and see how they interact with each other. 
     In the midst of all our festivities the girls have been experimenting with food.  At our 5PM feeding they sit with us in their highchairs at the dinner table.  They really only get a few spoonfuls as the whole experience is really just to get the hang of sitting up and eating, taking a spoon, etc.  However, they have shown they are very much like daddy--enjoying almost everything we've given them.  So far they've tried bananas, squash, prunes, and sweet potatoes, with squash being the only one they didn't care for (both of them did fake gagging, how weird huh?).

5 Months
As we've had no doctors appointments this month I don't have stats for the girls :-(

However...we've had some fun milestones:

*Emma finally decided to roll from back to tummy and now that she's figured it out she does it over and over and over and you get the idea, right?
*Combined, E & O are rolling machines.  Sometimes they roll so much they make themselves sick...not fun for me, ehhhh.  I've instituted a new rule: no playtime until it's been at least a half hour since they've eaten.
*Now that Emma can get to her tummy whenever she wants, she is eager to crawl.  She does this thing where she scrunches her butt up and pulls her legs under her and sort of wiggles but she just can't make herself go forward.  It's bad but I enjoy watching her struggle because she is just so darn cute with her butt up in the air!
*Olivia is now a spitter thanks to my little sister who, in just TWO hours, managed to teach Lu-Lu to blow spit bubbles.  Now whenever she is near your face you have to be careful or she blows her drool bubbles all over you...
*We've been practicing "kisses" with both girls and for some reason they both open their mouths wide when we say "kisses" and come in for a smooch.
*We expect teeth anyday now as both girls are heavy droolers, constantly suck on their hands, grab their ears, and neither want us to touch their gums anymore.
*We are starting to wrap the girls with less strength as it is recommended that babies no longer be swaddled by 6 months.  I'm glad we've started slowly weaning them because it appears this process will take some time as both girls are pretty dependent on their swaddles for sleeping.
*Both girls are also getting pretty good at finding a paci in their lap and attempting to put it back in their mouth so we've attached all their pacis to those clippy-strap much easier for mom!
*They both have also started happy screaming...just when I thought angry screaming was as noisy as it gets happy screaming came along--and it is louder, longer, and embarrassingly cute (I just smile at strangers odd looks because honestly there is no way to get two 5 month olds to stop, the word "no" does not exist yet).  I have termed their "tag team happy screaming" as dolphin talk because that's what they sound like to me!
*Livi has FINALLY moved out of 3 month clothes and is filling out her 6 month clothes quite nicely.  Emma is daddy's girl and will have outgrown her 9 month clothes by the time I finish writing this :-)
*Obviously there are a ton of other things the girls are accomplishing but these are just the highlights :-) 

Enjoy my numerous photos (I had to restrain myself from posting even more):
They both LOVED prunes!

Waiting patiently for prunes

Sisters :-)
5 Months!!

Sisters sharing :-)

Posing with her 1st ornament
Ummm this is seriously my favorite smile of hers

In their world tissue paper trumps any toy any day

So much fun unwrapping all our ornaments!

Putting Rapunzel on our Disney tree

Right after this she dropped the ornament...oops!

She promptly stuck a whole handful of needles in her mouth, yikes!

Going to look at lights with my little reindeers! 

I gave them red ribbons so they were clearly girl reindeers, duh!

Flying reindeer!!

She kind of looks like pooh bear hehe

You know you want to just kiss that face, open mouth and all

Friday, December 9, 2011

Olivia Update

Just wanted to mention that I posted an update on Olivia and her hemangioma in the Unicorn Horns & Magic Powers area, for those interested :-) 

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Jam-Packed November

**Today is a very important day...not because it is my birthday but because a year ago today I was crying in the emergency room when the doctor came in and told me I was pregnant!  Two weeks later we learned there were TWO babies and eight weeks later we learned they were TWO GIRLS!  This time of year will forever be special to me and I'm glad my birthday has become such a wonderful "anniversary" for us :-) **

This November has been crazy for us!!  We've had multiple doctors appointments for the girls, our first trip (1-day!) away from the girls, the Breaking Dawn release (ok, this one is totally just about me), Thanksgiving, and both our birthdays.  We started the month off by visiting Olivia's team of birthmark doctors for her monthly check-in.  All is well in this department and they figure they'll just see her now if any significant changes happen with her hemangioma.  They did inform us that the large ulceration (that is almost completely gone!) will probably have destroyed her hair follicles and she probably won't grow hair there...unfortunately because she is still a bald baby we cannot really picture how this will affect her hair growth...only time will tell :-)

We then celebrated Dad's birthday on the 14th with dinner at his favorite restaurant, Greenhouse Cafe.  Then, to celebrate both our birthdays (we're only 16 days apart) we took a one-day trip to Vegas to catch Love at the Mirage.  It was perfect, one day seemed too short to begin but by hour eight I was missing the girls so it worked out quite well!

The girls also had their 4-month check up on the 23rd.  More shots but both girls did fairly well.  The pediatrician suggested starting Olivia on one feeding of rice cereal a day to try and get her to take more formula.  I didn't really see how that made sense but after just one rice cereal feeding she is taking more formula!  So hopefully she'll make a big weight-gain :-)  She is just still so tiny weight-wise but above average height-wise!  Their pediatrician also suggested transitioning Emma to a regular formula (taking her off her milk-protein allergy one) to see if she could now tolerate milk-based formulas.  We are only on day 2 of that but it seems to be going well, fingers crossed!

Olivia also had her first appointment with the Facial and Cranial Plastic Surgeon this month.  For now she is helmet-free :-)  We go back in 2 months to have her head looked at again and hopefully now that she is more upright she'll never need a helmet.

Finally, to wrap up November we took the girls to see Santa.  Everyone was in a good mood while we drove to the mall and walked in.  However, once we crossed the threshold into "Santa's Workshop" things changed!  Emma freaked out and started crying when an "elf" tried to talk to her so I think this year started a tradition of "Emma Crying at Christmas" pictures that are sure to crack her up once she is older :-)

Dad's Birthday Dinner

4 Months Old!
Emma Rae: 14 lbs even & 26.1 inches (50% & 95%)
Olivia Marie:  10 lbs 11 oz & 25 inches (5% & 75%)

**I had three videos of the girls I wanted to upload but the video upload seems to be having issues...I'll try to get them on here soon!**

This is a Taylor Swift song that Alex and I have become addicted to:

First visit to see Santa- this Santa is the grandfather to THREE sets of twins!

Andddd totally unrelated to anything...we joke that Emma & Harper look more like twins than Emma & Olivia.  Obviously this is because Alex and I look exactly like the Beckhams =)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Pumpkins and Princesses

The girls have officially celebrated their first Halloween! We kicked off the festivities on the Saturday before Halloween, going to our cousins' for a Halloween party. The girls wore their costumes (Rapunzels from Tangled) and we went as a cowgirl and cowboy. The girls put up with their costumes for quite a while but 4 days later we are still finding glitter all over them! Now, I love my girls equally but I have to say Olivia was really into her dress, fluffing it out, picking it up, putting it back down again, she just cracks me up:

Early on Halloween we got the pumpkins ready to carve. We thought it would be funny to pick out the pumpkins based on the girls and this is what we ended up with :-)

Dad came up with the idea to do an "Angry Birds" theme so here they are!

We passed out candy for a while then took the girls to walk through the neighborhood. We put them in their Halloween jammies and walked around visiting with neighbors and checking out all the cool stuff going on around our house. This year there were several haunted houses with whole streets closed off to cars so that the kids could run around. We can't wait for the girls to get bigger so they can join in.

Overall it was a really great time and we look forward to all the other occasions and events we will get to spend with our girls!