Friday, September 30, 2011

So You're Telling Me There's No Margaritas??

Yesterday was....eventful.  As if they knew what would be happening at 2PM both girls were cranky ALL day.  So much so that I actually loaded them into the car at 1PM and drove around until their appointment!  We met Alex at the doctors and so began the agreed upon hell that is called vaccinations.  The first hour (yes, hour) was all housekeeping: measuring the girls, temperatures, checking all their limbs, checking out their heads, etc etc.  Of course the girls were angels through all this!  In typical fashion our Lil Livi was given another referral, this time to see the Cranial and Facial Clinic in West Los Angeles.  Her pediatrician wants to have her head looked at as it has some definite flattening to it.  She was also ordered additional blood-testing to make sure her hemangioma is not consuming too much of her blood supply (we will go back another day to do this, I just couldn't put her through that after all the shots).  Other than the usual discussions on Olivia's hemangioma (and of course her noggin), both girls were declared healthy.  The girls were then given all their vaccinations while we had to hold them down.  I wasn't thrilled about this, I had hoped we could hold them but the nurse wanted them on the table.  It broke my heart to hold Olivia down while looking at her little face twist and contort.  I swear she looked at me and telepathically said "What did I do to deserve this?"  Seriously,  after both of their shots I was sweating!! We could hear them in the next room giving some kids popsicles--I was incredulous--how dare they not give the parents something!!  Alex and I joked that we at least deserved margaritas--thankfully the Dr. had a sense of humor and laughed instead of questioning our drinking habits.

2 Month Stats

Emma Rae:  11 lbs 8 oz & 24 inches long & 39 cm head

Olivia Marie:  8 lbs 11 oz & 23 inches long & 39 cm head

Both girls are now regular "smilers" although Olivia would prefer to smile at the ceiling fan instead of mom and dad! They both can hold their head up for short periods of time--I can almost walk with Emma on my hip!  As you can see by their weights, Emma eats like a truck and Olivia eats like a bird.  They prefer to play with each other when we put them on their playmat and I can hear them chit-chatting while I do chores around the house.  If I put Olivia on the playmat by herself she moves and scoots around so much that she is never in the same place when I check on her.  Even though Emma goes through her fussy period every night they are both happy babies and it is exciting to see them smiling and laughing now :-)

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