Wednesday, October 26, 2011

3 Months

I cannot believe the girls are 3 months!  Since they "turned" 3 months on October 21st I have found myself crying about the silliest things.  I know I know, I'm crazy!  I'm blaming my emotions on the fact that I'm still recovering from my surgery (also 10-21).  I first cried when I realized I can't hold and squeeze the girls (all four of my incisions are on the front of my stomach).  Then, when I was cleaning out the cupboard I came across their Enfamil Newborn formula (0-3 months) and left it out while I called around to see who could use our (pricey) left-overs.  While it has sat on the counter I have teared up several times while glancing at it--how can my girls already be outgrowing things??  I finally allowed myself to put their newborn clothes into storage.  I'm not ready for my girls to get bigger, I just gave birth to them for goodness sake!  While I attempt to pull myself together here is a trip down memory lane:

3 Month Stats:

Emma Rae
13 lbs 25.5 inches long

Olivia Marie
9.5 lbs 24 inches long

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