Monday, August 27, 2012

Big News!

We have some exciting news to share....soon :-)  Until then...

Watching TV

!st visit to Chuck E Cheese


Summer-finally cool enough to play outside before 7PM!

Sand/water table from Great Grandma

Running! Only one scrapped knee :-)
Playing in the dog water bowl :-/
Lounging with Auntie

Sunday, August 5, 2012


We had such a great weekend with the girls!  Even though we've been living out of suit cases for a week now (we have two offers on houses, fingers crossed!) we thought actually going away with those suit cases would be a nice change :-)  We decided the time had come to tackle DISNEYLAND!!  We left Friday morning and got to Disney's Grand California Hotel around 10:30AM.  Unfortunately our room wasn't ready yet so we checked our luggage and headed into the park.  Our first ride was Pirates of the Caribbean.  Emma LOVED it...Olivia...not so much.  Lu clung to Alex so fierce that we had to pry her off afterward :-(  We opted for Casey Juniors Train next and they both had a great time!  My mom and sister arrived then and we gave Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters a whirl--they enjoyed this too!  We all had some pizza at the Pizza Port and then split up so my mom and sister could go to California Adventure and we could head to our room for naps. 

Here is where my only complaint of the weekend is...Disney's Grand California Hotel is absolutely by far THE WORST hotel I have ever stayed at :-(  We requested an early check in but after calling all throughout our park visit our room STILL wasn't available at 3PM.  I was angry then because normal check in was 3PM.  They finally got us into a room at 3:30PM but when we entered we found two full beds instead of the one king we requested.  We didn't care at this point, the girls needed naps and quick.  As we were setting up their pack n plays in the living room area we heard every voice outside the room...because...the front door had a 2 inch gap off the floor!  We moved the pack n plays into the bedroom because it could be closed off and we were relegated to the couch bed.  While the girls napped we unpacked and soon realized their "welcome package" was not present.  We were told when making the reservation that since it was the girls' "first visit" they would have a welcome package.  I went to the front desk and they handed me two button/pins that said "First Visit"--they sharpied 2012 on one but forgot to do the other :-(  When I came for my 21st birthday they wrote my name and the year and made a big deal out of the whole event.  For my twins' first birthday and first visit: nada.  I was really bummed and disappointed about the whole hotel experience, especially because it's not cheap to stay there.  I don't even want to admit what we paid to stay there just the night but let's say it isn't worth it for the service, room quality, or even the food.  Big big bummer! 

After naps though we were all refreshed and ready to go to the park again!  My mom and sister met us in the lobby and we headed back into the park.  We started with It's a Small World which the girls absolutely LOVED--they clapped, pointed, and babbled the entire time!  We gave the Storybook Land Canal Boats a go and the girls entertained our entire boat :-)  They had everyone laughing and smiling and even our tour guide kept focusing on them instead of giving her tour :-)  A teenage boy who sat next to me and Lu quickly became Lu's crush.  She kept trying to grab him and get his attention--she'll be trouble that one.  Sadly our day had to come to an end after the boats because the girls were incredibly exhausted.  We put the girls down and then got ourselves some room service and much needed alcohol :-)

In the morning we took advantage of early entrance to the park as hotel guests.  We used that hour to the fullest doing as many rides in Fantasy Land and Tomorrow Land as possible.  As terrible as the hotel was, getting into the park an hour early made all the difference--we walked onto every single ride.  My assessment of Day 2 at Disneyland: Pinocchio is a terrible ride for children (lol), Alice in Wonderland is a great ride for children, and I never want to go on the Astro Blasters again (the girls just wanted to stay in the line to watch the animated Buzz talk haha). 

Overall it was an amazing trip (minus the hotel) and as always, I'm so proud of how well-behaved my girls are.  I can't tell you how many people commented on how well they were holding up and how they couldn't believe they were only 1 year old.  We rewarded our little angels with some fun Disney toys and got their "pin collection" started.  Alex and I got annual passes (the girls are free until 3) and hope to take the girls as often as we can!

Morning before leaving for Disneyland!
Fueling up before riding some rides

Having a picnic dinner in our hotel room

Thursday, August 2, 2012

1 Year Check Up

Finally getting around to posting the girls' 1-year stats!  Between our house selling, the girls' birthday party, the girls getting sick, and moving all our things into a pod while we try to find a house to buy I have found very little time blog :-( However, I wanted to make sure I at least get the details from the doctor visit down because those are important to me :-)

Olivia: 29.25 inches long (50th percentile) & 17 lbs 3 oz (5th percentile)
Still just my little bean!  She has become quite a picky eater and now carries my former nickname of "The 2-Bite Kid."  We are working on diversifying her taste :-)  She is a walking machine and has lost some of her wildness when walking but we still have to constantly remind her to look where she is going!  She loves to talk, scream, squeal, and giggle.  Her words include mama, dada, baba, Coco, Daisy, danger (yaaaaa she is a weird one), Do-do (for Dozer), and circle.  She can pretty much mimic any word you give her but these are the ones she likes to say.   She also likes to pretend she is Ariel and brushes her hair with her play fork (she also does mine but it kinda hurts...).

Emma: 30.25 inches long (90th percentile) & 21 lbs (50th percentile)
She takes after daddy in most ways!  She is quite a little chunk of meat who will literally eat anything you put in front of her, no questions asked.  She has also become our own personal comedian.  She has a selection of "party tricks" she uses to entertain anyone who will pay attention to her.  She waves, blows kisses, dances, and laughs like a hyena :-)  She has her "surprised" face, "squishy" face, and "angry" face that she slaps on as soon as you ask her to.  She pretty much has me laughing all day!  She walks so well now and even tries out running occasionally.  She likes to say mama, dada, baba, Coco, Daisy, and Do-do (Dozer)