Thursday, August 2, 2012

1 Year Check Up

Finally getting around to posting the girls' 1-year stats!  Between our house selling, the girls' birthday party, the girls getting sick, and moving all our things into a pod while we try to find a house to buy I have found very little time blog :-( However, I wanted to make sure I at least get the details from the doctor visit down because those are important to me :-)

Olivia: 29.25 inches long (50th percentile) & 17 lbs 3 oz (5th percentile)
Still just my little bean!  She has become quite a picky eater and now carries my former nickname of "The 2-Bite Kid."  We are working on diversifying her taste :-)  She is a walking machine and has lost some of her wildness when walking but we still have to constantly remind her to look where she is going!  She loves to talk, scream, squeal, and giggle.  Her words include mama, dada, baba, Coco, Daisy, danger (yaaaaa she is a weird one), Do-do (for Dozer), and circle.  She can pretty much mimic any word you give her but these are the ones she likes to say.   She also likes to pretend she is Ariel and brushes her hair with her play fork (she also does mine but it kinda hurts...).

Emma: 30.25 inches long (90th percentile) & 21 lbs (50th percentile)
She takes after daddy in most ways!  She is quite a little chunk of meat who will literally eat anything you put in front of her, no questions asked.  She has also become our own personal comedian.  She has a selection of "party tricks" she uses to entertain anyone who will pay attention to her.  She waves, blows kisses, dances, and laughs like a hyena :-)  She has her "surprised" face, "squishy" face, and "angry" face that she slaps on as soon as you ask her to.  She pretty much has me laughing all day!  She walks so well now and even tries out running occasionally.  She likes to say mama, dada, baba, Coco, Daisy, and Do-do (Dozer)

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