Sunday, July 22, 2012

Birthday Girls

I officially have 1 year olds!  It still hasn't really sunk in and I think I'll say they're "12 months old" instead of 1 year olds when people ask :-) 

We really didn't know how they would be on the day of their party (and their actual birthday) because Emma had just gotten over being sick and two days before the party Lu woke up sick.  On Saturday July 21st at 7AM I crept up to their door and listened: I heard happy babies!  I couldn't have been more overjoyed.  They had some cream cheese waffles for breakfast and then dad got home from work with a huge princess balloon for them to play with.  While the girls napped we set up for their party.

The girls were absolute angels during their party.  Running around, socializing, hamming it up for anyone that would pay attention.  Lu took a little while to come out of her shell but after eating some Stone Fire she was all revved up!  Emma on the other hand takes very little warming up--she pulled out all her tricks (even for people she had never even met before!).  Emma ran around waving to everyone, blowing kisses, holding her "1" finger up, and crawling up on laps.  After eating Stone Fire the girls each got their own "smash cakes" and made quite the mess!  We then spent quite a bit of time opening all their presents.  Please enjoy all the pictures from their party! 

*Most party photos were shot by Sean X. Kelly*

Birthday breakfast: cream cheese waffles
Watching Mickey while having breakfast, typical Lu face
Grandma's birthday morning gift
12 Months
12 Months
Surprise! You're 12 months!

A little overwhelmed with all the people

Great Grandma Jessie
Hunting for snacks with cousin Peyton

Helping me get the salad dressings out of the fridge

Don't take it away!
My silly girl
My chubby bunny


Me, laughing that my mother-in-law wrote the present list on the back of these paper plates

Lu and our neighbor Reaghan

It's definitely NOT bedtime! Playing with all our new things before bed.
Lu's ready for bed!

Anddddd last but not least.....

In other news...

We are moving!  Our house has sold and since we haven't found "the one" we are temporarily moving in with my parents.  We've been looking for something with a little more space and a little more land and because we want it to be our "forever home" we've been quite picky...hence being temporarily homeless haha.  When I've talked about our crazy lives lately this is exactly what I meant!  We have to be out by July 31st!  I'm hopeful we will find the perfect house...however, in the meantime, I may have less access to our blog :-( but I will try my best to update! 

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