Sunday, July 8, 2012


I know I warned that my posts may start to be all over the place but unfortunately that would probably be an improvement over not posting at all, eeek!  We are trying to get a zillion things in order these days and life has certainly been a rollercoaster so bear with me and enjoy some cute pictures of the kiddos in the meantime :-)

Little Miss Walker sporting her new kicks!

Lu insisted on helping me push Emma around

She has to be world's messiest eater! *By the way, that WAS an avocado before she turned it into guac*
Tea Party! I put a little water in their cups--you'd think I deprive them of water!

My July Babies on the 4th

Papa story-time
Emma's first steps!!  Emma decided that 6-22-12 would be the day she finally committed to walking!  Now, just over 2 weeks later it is her primary mode of transportation and she is trying out hopping and running!

This kid keeps me laughing all day!  She has even taught Emma how to do it :-)

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