Friday, June 22, 2012

Freak Out Time!

There is no way in just one short month that my girls are actually going to be a year old!  I won't stand for this! It's completely unfair that they are growing this quickly and I'm completely unprepared to have toddlers.  That being said, I AM excited to celebrate their first birthday with all our friends and family and I will do my very best to keep it together and be a rational adult :-)

The last couple weeks have been completely hectic and I foresee the next several weeks being even worse so bear with me if my posts start to become incoherent and all over the place.  This mama has a lot going on in her life!

But back to the kiddos...we plan on doing some major toddler prepping in the next weeks: we are pushing with full force to get the girls eating finger foods (this has been our biggest challenge) and we are going to start working on phasing out pacis. 

Finger Foods: How I loathe you.  The fact that the girls prefer baby food on a spoon from Alex and myself is entirely our fault.  Due to time crunches and saving ourselves the headache of cleaning up after two babies, we have resorted to shoveling spoonfuls into each girls' mouth.  Now, at 11 months old, neither girl cares to feed themselves and they like very few things with textures.  I've been on a mission all week to overcome this.  I refuse to serve them vegetable puree at their first birthday haha.  Texture has been our biggest obstacle, with Dozer being a close second.  The girls readily hand over their food to his waiting mouth next to their highchairs.  It's like I'm raising three children instead of two, honestly!!

Pacis: Luckily our girls aren't heavily reliant on pacis, they only use them at night and in the car.  Our first step is taking them out of their carseats.  Then, over the next few weeks they will only go to bed with one (now they get three in their crib so they can find one in the middle of the night so mommy doesn't have to get up!).  I know we are going to have some frustrating nights where they can't find that single one in their crib but I'm hoping some nights they will just give up looking for it and fall asleep.  I'm deliriously optimistic if you can't tell :-)

11 Month Stats

Olivia: about 19 pounds, can say Coco (my mom's dog) and can almost say "dog" (I think she might be an animal lover!), she easily stands without any assistance but refuses to budge a single step, loves to identify noses on all her stuffed animals and on people, if you say "Ay yi yi" she slaps her forehead hehe, she likes to pretend feed her goofy stuffed animal, and cannot be without her stuffed puppy dog.

Emma: about 24 pounds, can stand with no assistance and take 3 or 4 steps before crashing down on her butt, loves to point at things (including Minnie Mouse on our calender, the lights in the ceiling, and Dozer), she loves to clap and wave to the fireworks that come on before Disney movies, and she could spend all day looking at pictures and videos of herself (she will literally pull out photo albums and have me flip through the pages for her!).

Working on our Father's Day present

She's a super fast colorer

This little thief stole the bacon before I finished setting the table for Father's Day!

Father's Day 2012
The girls' gifts to Alex

11 Months!

Emma is ADDICTED to ice cream and whenever it is gone she becomes hysterical!

My smarty-pants

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