Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Girls' Very First Cousin!

On June 5th at 8:42PM my niece (and the girls' very first cousin) Avery Harper Tavera made her debut, weighing in at 7 pounds 11 ounces and measuring 21 inches long--she is absolute perfection!  When my older sister went into labor earlier that day my little sister and I hustled down to the hospital since it was an hour from us.  We waited so patiently but Miss Avery had other plans--just like my girls had done to me :-) Even though my sister ended up with an emergency csection (again, just like these little girls did to me!) both her and Avery are doing fantastic.  After everything my sister went through she needed some big-time rest so we sadly had to go home without getting to see them all :-(  Luckily by Sunday all our schedules aligned so that Alex and I were FINALLY able to take the girls to see them.  I think Olivia could have cared less about the baby but Emma really wanted to touch her head--I think it was all the hair hehe! Unfortunately, as it often happens, I did not take a single picture since I was too busy man-handling my kiddos that insisted on going after every breakable thing in my sister's house.  (Little does April know how numbered her days are of getting to have candles and tv remotes out in the open lol)  We stayed about an hour and left them with some yummies from Trader Joes as well as the only advice you should ever really give new parents: It gets easier.  I am so excited for our girls to grow up together so close in age.  I have a TON of cousins with quite a few right around my age so I know how great that makes family functions :-)

My sweet little niece, Avery

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