Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween 2012!

Our kids were actually awake this Halloween!  Crazy huh?  Hehe.  Check out our Halloween last year: &

This year was still very low key for us as dad and mom are always exhausted from working on the house :-)  We decided to let the girls finger paint on their pumpkins, then dance around in their Minnie outfits.

Lu was a little hesitant to stick her hands in the finger paint and preferred using a paintbrush.  She really got into painting her pumpkin and even moved on to painting the stem when her canvas seemed full :-)

Emma loved putting her fingers in every single color and wanted to hold the colors which really meant she just kept dumping them on herself!  Good thing mom is a preparer...I had a waterproof blanket down, covered by a cheap plastic table cloth, then I bought $4 leggings and sweatshirts in black from Target (just in case the paint wasn't truly washable).  It all ended up really well--the pumpkins turned out adorable and the girls cleaned up very easily--can't ask for much more!

Emma's pumpkin

Olivia's pumpkin

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