Thursday, January 3, 2013

Christmas Celebrations

I'll just admit it now and get it out of the way...our children are spoiled, big time.  Even with all the conversations when we were pregnant about how we wouldn't spoil them or treat them specially because they were twins, despite it all, they are spoiled.  So now that that's out there we can move forward :-) This year Christmas was loads of fun because the girls really enjoy seeing their cousins and getting gifts. They especially love gifts.  We started off December with the annual Chadbourne Christmas Bingo party. The girls ran around with their cousins all evening and tore through presents like it was a competition (I have no idea where they might have gotten such a competitive side but for the record, I AM the reigning champion of the game of LIFE in the Chadbourne household-I will concede the game of Clue to Natalie but that's only because she is a cheater).  It was fun this year to see the girls actually running around and interacting with their cousins.  We also learned first hand what a handful Emma is going to be!  She had all her boy cousins eating right out of her hand.  She gave them her cute little smile and chased them around until they sat and she could throw herself in their laps.  Lu always take a bit to warm up but once she got going she jumped right in the mix :-)  A week later we had a low-key Christmas Eve at home with the girls--we watched The Grinch (for the millionth time, it's their fav) and then headed off to bed.  On Christmas Day morning both our parents came over to open presents with the girls--who, as I pointed out are incredibly spoiled, got way too many things (baby dolls, their own personal couches that fold out, a dollhouse, a double sided easel, a play kitchen, tons of clothes, play jewelry, etc.)  Then that evening we all headed over to Corey and Lauren's to open MORE GIFTS with baby Penny and Corey's family.  All in all it was a great holiday and I already can't wait for next year when baby Avery and baby Penny are older and will be running around right next to the girls--it's about time the girls give the boys a run for their money (if my math is correct, I think we are finally even at 4 boy cousins vs 4 girls cousins hehe).

Making a gingerbread house with Auntie and Nana

Chadbourne Christmas Bingo

Exchanging gifts with Reaghan

Having pizza together
Christmas morning
Not a morning person

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