Saturday, January 11, 2014

5 Year Anniversary

It's hard to believe we've been married 5 years! It's even more incredible to me that we've been together a decade. A DECADE. We have kids!? Who are currently sticking stickers to my very expensive kitchen table as I type this :-) Every year goes by quicker than the last and while that saddens me it also reminds to enjoy every second we have.

We've always tried to incorporate whatever each anniversary's "symbolism" is into our gifts and 5 years is wood. I tried to argue this was a sign it was finally time we got dining room furniture instead of a card table...I was vetoed, boo. Instead, we surprised each other with opposite gifts: I went literal and he went figurative. I gave Alex a wood card that was engraved and he surprised me by coming home with a new tattoo--a wooden heart below the tattoo he already for me.  He clearly won best gift hehe. If any person ever asked me if I thought getting tattoos for their significant other was a good idea I'd say no. I know, I'm a hypocrite. My rational is if you have to ask someone's opinion it's NOT a good idea! I got my one and only tattoo for Alex and I've never regretted it or even really felt the need to defend it to anyone. For me, it just makes sense: he's my forever and I like to be reminded of that :-). I didn't go into this marriage wondering what would happen if it ended because it won't end. We both went into this knowing and agreeing that you never give up, even in the worst of times. And trust me-we've had them. We've been through more than most people ever have to go though in a lifetime but at the end of the day I can honestly say I'm happy for it. I know what we can survive and so the little everyday issues and dilemmas seem so insignificant. 

This year our anniversary was a little more complicated because Alex had been in Mexico for work all week. He came home late afternoon yesterday so we got to spend part of our anniversary together :-) So along with his wooden card I also tucked away a cd in his luggage with instructions to watch the cd on our anniversary morning. If you're ok with super mushy and want to see our last decade summed up go ahead and take a look below.

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