Saturday, February 15, 2014

Valentine's Day

We had a nice, quiet Valentine's Day this year. The girls and I worked on their Valentines for two weeks before the big day because their attention span is about 20 minutes :-) Friday morning we left out the Valentines they made Alex and his favorite cowboy cookies so he could see them before work. Then we took all the Valentines and trail mix they worked so hard on to gymnastics. We just relaxed the rest of the day and Alex made us some dinner :-) My kind of day! Today we decided to do a little family Valentine's celebration and went out to Santa Barbara to visit the zoo and the small aquarium on the pier. Olivia was quite the fearless explorer--getting all up in a giraffe's face and then nearly squeezing the life out of a small shark at the aquarium. That kid makes my heart race and I entirely blame her for my gray hairs.


I fear their stroller days are numbered...
Emma wasn't too sure about this iguana-type thing
I don't notice their size difference until pictures like this-holy cow!
She was practically crawling over that railing. I kept telling Alex to get ready to grab her because I think she would have gladly gone over!

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