Friday, May 30, 2014

May Fun

We packed so many fun things into May that it just flew by! The spring session of gymnastics came to a close and we continued on with our mommy and me ballet. We celebrated Mother's Day, went to the zoo, attended baby Hannah's shower, had a fun Memorial Day, and worked on our garden!

First blueberries ready to be picked!
Ready for the zoo with cousin P
This kid and salad...
Ready for baby Hannah's Shower!
Leaving notes at Meema's house before the shower!
So we bought a braid book for the girls...Alex insisted they didn't look too hard. I told him they were and as usual he proved me wrong by whipping these two out on first tries. Typical. 
Emma wanted fishtail piggies. 
Memorial kids were in the pool at 8am, I'm sure our neighbors love us!
Ice cream in the driveway because we are classy like that. 
Our first strawberries!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Silly Sisters

They could swim everyday! This video perfectly shows their differences though: Emma can't have water in her face and Lu just goes full throttle the entire time. She left the pool this day with bloody feet from the plaster and didn't even complain!
We kinda like the movie Pitch Perfect in this house :-)

Gift from Uncle Dau
My little fish-she could be in the water 24/7
Our little star :-) In an ad in our local magazine!
Me and the girls at exactly the same age!
She's actually not half bad at doing the dishes...
My little OCD kiddo sorting all the colors at gymnastics
Last class of spring session. Can't believe they've been doing this class for a year!
Toddler Tea Time
She really is the best yoga partner
Mother's Day 
Flexy little things 
Date night at Hollywood Bowl to see Billy Joel!
Taking her baby coffee (apple juice) to go
Love having an outdoor couch to lounge with my loves :-)

Friday, May 9, 2014

Down To The Wire...

We are closing in on the girls' 3rd birthday so that means they will no longer be free at Disneyland :-( We are going to try to do as many trips between now and July as we can! It was an incredibly beautiful day at the park yesterday and we had auntie with us so that takes a bit of the load off me and Alex, so thanks auntie!

Ready to go!
We never take the tram-walking takes like 3 minutes :-)
It's incredibly sad when you don't do much better than your 2 year old...
A little boy told her she had them on wrong...I thought she was going to sock him :-/ We rock to the beat of our own drum in this house, duh. 
"Dad said he's going to win us toys!!"
VS Dad...
Of course dad wins :-)
Andddd he had to win a 2nd one for Emma. Good thing we have a competitive dad!
We really like popcorn. 
She held onto dumbo like she was a mama. 
Somehow she ended up with both??