Wednesday, July 23, 2014

3 Years Old!

How did we get here so quickly? I feel like even when they're 18 I'll be saying the same thing. What can I say about this age? Well, one word comes to mind-attitude. Starting sometime around January (so after 2.5years) the girls became hormonal teenagers. Seriously. We have tears over the strangest things- like the wrong colored cup, outgrown shoes not fitting, Dozer farting and stinking up the room. Honestly, it's endless what we can have meltdowns over!  There are times when we ALL go to timeout (ie girls go to timeout and mom sneaks off to the bathroom to eat a handful of chocolate chips and pound her head against the shower door).  Dramatics aside, these girls (and Alex) are my entire world. I'll take the handful of completely ridiculous meltdowns because they are also accompanied by some of the best laughs of my life. The girls are so vocal and articulate these days that I'll be having a conversation with one and it hits me that we are CONVERSING! As a stay-at-home-mom there were  times I realized the first time someone responded to something I said was when Alex got home from work! These days someone is always asking me something or insisting I look at something and that just plain amazes me! 

The Quirks of Being 3

Baby soups- bathing awkward when my kids yell out "I really want this baby soup, pleaseeeeee momma!"

They add the word "baby" before anything small. Mini waffles- baby waffles, Starbucks Apple juice- baby coffee.

Olivia calls SpongeBob chop-chop

Typical conversation between the girls playing some make-believe activity like tea party or restaurant:
Olivia "Hi Emma! My name is LuLu-Bean, what's your name?"

Chunky monkey yogurt- cottage cheese with baby food mixed in (the only way they'll eat it...if I lie and say it's yogurt)

Both girls say "I'm free!" Which translates to I'm 3!

We had a lovely little family party for them on Saturday where we gave them their gift of a fancy new play kitchen. They were in heaven and have been playing nonstop in their kitchen since then. Then on their actual birthday, the 21st, we had chocolate chip and sprinkle waffles for breakfast and played with all their birthday gifts. Yesterday they had their 3 year check up that told us what we already know...Olivia is miniature and Emma is perfectly average :-) Overall we had a wonderful birthday celebration and look forward to many more!

Age 3 Stats:

25 lbs even...barely on the line at 5th percentile!
34.5 inches tall

28 lbs 12.8 oz
37.87 inches tall

Receiving their kitchen on the morning of their birthday party    

So many presents...

Fascinated by these babies that eyes close when they lay down

Birthday Morning
1st of Yearly Birthday Surveys
So excited they got "dinosaur" books at the 3 year check up!

Anddddd the day after their birthday we awoke to great news...our niece Miss Hannah made her debut! 
Hannah Elizabeth
9lb 5oz & 21 inches long 

The girls are still perplexed as to how she got out of LoLo's belly but they're excited to add another girl to their posse!

Girl Cousins: 3     Boy Cousins: 0 (Cousin Myles due in November is in for a rude awakening!)

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