We've mostly spent the last few weeks getting our temporary greenhouse in order. This year I've tried to stagger and plan better so we don't end up with all these fruits and veggies at once again! Everything is coming along nicely so far and it's a fun everyday activity for me and the girls. In the next few weeks some of these seedlings will need to be transplanted and that will be interesting to attempt with the girls!
Started out with some basics like cilantro, tomatoes, jalapeños, monster sunflowers, and lavender (from our save the monarch campaign we pledged to participate in).
Just a few weeks later...5-5-15
Our sunflowers are really coming along and 5 out of 6 of our watermelon seeds are growing (which is great success because apparently they're quite picky growers). Brussels sprouts, bibb lettuce, and shell peas are growing well too!
Corn and cucumbers
Tomatoes, jalapeños, and cilantro (this is our "salsa" container).
On our way to get her ears pierced! She begged for weeks. Alex and I decided if she wore clip-ons for a week without touching or playing with them we would revisit the topic. She blew us away! She wore those clip-ons for a week with zero touching and no complaining. She asked us everyday if it had been a week yet. We were super honest with her and told her they would hurt initially and I would have to be in charge of cleaning and twisting them. She was stubborn beyond belief and insistent she was ready so off we headed to the pediatrician's office.

It's been a couple weeks now and not once has she complained when I swabbed them with alcohol or twisted them. It just goes to show all her cry-baby moments are for show and when she really wants something she is capable of doing anything to get it--never knew she had it in her!
In other news...tsum tsums are now the bane of our existence. These weird rolly polly looking things are all the rage apparently. They do nothing except "stack" and the girls think they're the greatest things ever. Disney runs this house.
These are the moments I try to hold onto after a day full of timeouts!
Olivia and I hung out in the Hundred Acres Woods while Emma hit up first "over 40 inches" ride! Poor Olivia is 39 inches...so close yet not close enough!
Emma chose Splash Mountain for her first 40 inch ride and she was HOOKED. Rode it 4 more times haha! She also tried out Big Thunder Mountain.
Splash Mountain #2Me and Emma on Tower of Terror. She was so brave and never got scared. When we exited though she turned to me and said, "ya, let's not ride that ever again."