Monday, February 13, 2012

Playing Catch Up

I finally sat down and took about an hour to upload a ton of photos and organize them!  I've also been "hoarding" (as my husband would call it ) a TON of the girls' old clothes because I hadn't really been ready to part with them.  My first step in clearing out some of the clothes was to offer it to my older sister who is due with a girl this summer.  It took me about two days to separate it all by size/type and then my sister went through it all and took a bagful (I had six to begin, yikes!).  I have an appointment today with a place by our house that buys old/new/gently used baby items to see what I can get for the rest of it.  The sad part is that the two giant trashbags I'm taking do not include the two giant trashbags I made Alex take to storage hehe.  Hopefully I'll get a decent amount of money and be more inclined to sell things in the future!  *Of my two trashbags they ended up taking about one bag worth of stuff and gave me $40...that's better than nothing!* We've also been reorganizing the entire house since the girls have outgrown things like their swings, bumbo chair things, boppies, strollers, etc.  I also made Alex take all that to storage because I'm sure we will use all that stuff again :-)  Sooooo now I am completely OVER cleaning and organizing and I'm sitting on the couch (while the girls nap) watching the special features from the new Breaking Dawn DVD and eating leftover breadsticks with BBQ sauce from Stone Fire :-)

Just cruising

Addicted to Mickey

Say it ain't so!

Best friends

The two loves of my life + the one in the background that crashed this picture

Sporting our Dropkick Murphys onesies for Dad

More Mickey...they can't get enough

Just jumping

Trying out her new's a 2T...this kid is going to be huge

These eyes melt my heart

Loving on her lion

She chases him ALL day but he still loves her

RUN Dozer!!

Heading out to a wedding--first time wearing a dress like this since before I was pregnant!

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