Tuesday, February 21, 2012

7 Months

Normally we wouldn't have had a 7 month check up (and we actually do not have any appointments scheduled until 9 months--April, yay!) but because Lu is such a string bean her pediatrician likes her to come in to be weighed often.  The girls also needed the second half of their flu shots so we combined everything for a 7 month check up.  Grandma Linda helped with this so I wouldn't have to baby wrangle on my own and we were in and out fairly quickly.

7 Month Stats
Olivia "String Bean" Marie 14 lbs 1 oz
Emma "Pork Chop" Rae (she wasn't weighed today but if she gained at her usual rate...) ~17 lbs 7 oz

Emma: Has finally learned to like sitting (she officially started sitting on 2/14).  She loves taking a bath so we took away her baby bath and made her "sit" to take a bath with Lu and that is about the most we can get her to sit.  Otherwise Emma would prefer to crawl and scoot around, there's no time for sitting Ma!!  She sort of says ma-ma but mostly she just mimics the inflections in my voice when I say it!

Olivia: Leap Day was a big day for Lu (Feb. 29).  On this day her first tooth (finally) started poking through on the bottom right AND she started saying da-da and ba-ba nonstop.  Literally.  When I say "who is coming home from work" she will say da-da but if she says ba-ba and I say "no, silly!" she then says "da-da." These two words are sort of interchangeable for her right now hehe. *False alarm :-( The tooth hasn't quite broken through yet but it sure is sharp underneath the gum!*

How I birthed such enormously different twins is still a mystery to me hehe.

They were bound to love the bath...I pretty much lived in it when I was pregnant with them :-)
Papa time + our small Disney farm
Trouble Makers

Valentine's Dresses
Silly girls
Typical family picture
7 Months
I think Emma is doing the Carlton...

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