Saturday, March 3, 2012

Big Girl 'Nanas

I have started my second round of baby-food-making and yes, you heard me correctly, second!  When I did the first batch I really had no idea how many apples would make what amount of baby food and how quickly the girls would eat it.  However, it turns out my motherly intuition was spot on and all the baby food I made nearly 3 months ago is just now running out!  Which couldn't be more perfect since it is recommended to only store it for 3 months (frozen).  This time around I'm making my purees with more texture.  I've also added a few new additions like zucchini, spinach, mangoes, peaches, yams, and plain whole milk yogurt.  FYI...Emma is a yogurt fiend!! On our first try with yogurt I mixed in some banana-blueberry puree and that kid could not get enough.  Olivia liked it too but Emma was practically falling out of her high chair every time I alternated a spoonful to Lu.  The only foods I haven't tried to tackle yet are meats.  As some of you know I spent most of my life as a vegetarian.  I didn't start eating meat (and by meat I mean only chicken and turkey--absolutely no red meat or seafood--I know, I'm a weird one) until I met Alex!  That man lives on meat and if I wanted to survive (he did all the cooking when we first lived together!) I had to make some concessions. Now that I do all the cooking I've only become proficient at cooking chicken breasts and ground turkey.  I've never attempted a whole turkey or chicken and I can't even stand holding a packaged raw red meat container so my "meat cooking skills" are limited to say the least.  Then add in the idea that once I would cook said meat I would have to put it in the blender and puree it and well...I honestly break out in a sweat.  So, for the time being, I plan on using store bought meat purees.  Truth be told, I would skip meat all together until the girls were ready to have it as a finger food but the protein and iron they will get from the puree is hard to pass up.  I also worry if I don't expose them to the flavors sooner rather than later they might end up not liking meat like myself.  I was a VERY picky child and it was so much harder as an adult to learn to like foods so I'd like the girls to be more like Daddy :-)  I always joke to people that Alex would eat gravel if I fed it to him--he is such an adventurous eater and always surprises me with his willingness to try things.


The girls are quickly becoming less and less my babies :-(  They are always too busy to let me sit and hold them and seem to always want to move on to the next entertainment.  Emma has the run of the house in her walker and because of this we have had to baby proof most things-- electrical outlets, trashcans, cabinets, the fireplace, and doorstops...actually we stopped re-attaching them since Emma  knocks them right off all the baseboards, yikes!  Olivia likes to rotate through several "play-stations."  She'll start her morning off playing in her highchair, move to her jumper, sit at her jungle/ball/noisiest-toy-ever-thing, and roll/crawl around her bedroom.  She has become an expert at this jungle ball toy where she puts the ball in the top and it goes down a spiral slide and comes back out to her then she puts the balls right back in the top--it can entertain her for 30 minutes which is a lot considering her normal attention span is like 5 seconds :-)  They both like to roll and crawl all over each other now which has made for a number of head bonks that lead to lots of crying because they egg each other on.  They are also starting to become scared of certain things which is just strange to me since they are things they were never scared of before.  Loud noises like the dogs barking, my blender going, or the doorbell never use to bother them but now these things set off a double chorus of crying as one realizes the other is scared and again, they just egg each other on.  The only time they aren't affected by each others crying is when they are in bed.  If one cries the other can sleep right through it--this has never changed since day one and thank God because things could get ugly around here if that wasn't the case!  I'm quite sad my babies are acting less and less like babies but it is amazing to see changes in them literally day-to-day.

Trying some 'nanas as a finger food
I dunno dad...
Squishy face!

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