Sunday, April 8, 2012


The girls experienced their first colds and I can't be sure who it was harder on--them or us.  We had several nights of being up every 15 minutes and one night Alex drove around with Emma from 12AM-4AM :-( We tried everything from saline nose spray, to baby vicks, to a humidifier, to a steamer, to bringing their baby swings home from storage, you name it we tried it in the name of sleep (for us mostly!).  I read somewhere that babies average 10 colds in the first year of life so considering this was our first at 8 months I'm trying not to complain-but man oh man, if that had happened already 5 or so times by now...I'd move them to a private island!  We also experienced our first real boo-boo with Olivia doing some type of face plant somewhere.  All I know is when I picked her up from a nap she had the loveliest little shiner below her left eye.  That sucker was purple for two days and then brown for another couple days.  I just kept praying it would be gone by their 9 month check up because I really didn't want to have to explain to her doctor that I had no idea how she got it!

In the midst of fighting the colds we have managed some pretty fun events too!  We took the girls to our zoo (The LA Zoo) with Grandma Sue and Great-Nana Mary.  It was super crowded as it was Spring Break but Great-Nana graciously purchased a family membership for us so we can go back all year!  We also celebrated their first Easter complete with baskets and goodies.  Of course I included toothbrushes in their baskets for all those new teeth!  The girls received wayyyy too much as usual from their grandmas and grandpa but they were more than thrilled to show off playing with all their toys.  We had a lovely brunch-these sort of celebrations are becoming so much more fun since the girls sit at the table with us and chat away.  By 1PM they were both so worn out that they passed out the second we set them in their cribs!


One of the biggest changes I've noticed with the girls lately is how much more they interact with each other.  I don't think they have any "special language" but sometimes they really get going chatting with each and it just cracks me up.  They went from climbing all over each other without any purpose to teamwork to get what they want (as evidenced by them trying to pull out their music toy in the first two images and trying to open their diaper box!).  They would also blindly take toys from one another and now they purposefully "steal" from one another or better yet, sometimes they actually GIVE their toy to the other. 

Trying to pull their music toy out
Here, I'll help hold you up!
They worked on this box foreverrrr!
They sit at this fence all the time and chat--I swear they are plotting their escape.  This particular conversation happened to include some nice sharing :-)

Heading into the LA Zoo!

Getting to see a hedgehog up close!
Excited about the hedgehog

Poor thing--passed out (Olivia)

And another one bites the dust...

Easter Morning

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