Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Many Memories of May

I'd say something like, "May has ended up being sooooo busy for us" but these days that's how most months end up :-) We've gone to Dodger games, met up with Auntie April for lunch (Miss Avery is due any day now!!), had a garage sale, celebrated Mother's Day, met dad at the zoo on his lunch break, done lots of swimming (Auntie Shanyne even came and swam with us!), started lessons at My Gym, had our first mini-family vacation, and watched Auntie Nat graduate from college!  Whewwww!!!  There's bound to be some events of May that I'm completely forgetting hehe.

On the girls' 10-month-day we started our first lessons at My Gym.  It's a 45 minute class that is composed of running/crawling around, singing, dancing, climbing on tons of equipment, playing in a ball pit, hanging in swings from the ceiling, and so many other fun activities.  The girls did so well even though they were the youngest there (it's a 7 month to 13 month class and all the other kids were 1).  During this music circle thing the kids were suppose to be let free to pick an instrument and play together.  They both left us right away but Lu came back with a maraca to sit with me and not the kids!  Emma on the other hand could have cared less if we existed--she was in the center of the jam session and had picked out the largest instrument--a tamborine--and was as happy as could be.  Our next class is next week because of the holiday this week and I will remember to bring my camera this time.

On May 24th we loaded up the girls and the suburban to take a mini-vacay (our first as a family!) to Long Beach to see Natalie graduate from CSULB.  We opted for getting a hotel because the girls can be unpredictable and we wanted a place to fall back on in the event of a nuclear meltdown :-)  We got there Thursday afternoon and during the check-in process the girls were so well behaved and for that I thank them because we ended up getting upgraded for FREE to two HUGE adjoining rooms with ocean views.  Ummmm awesome first family vacation right??  We got into our rooms and found them to be practically baby-proofed already, score!  The girls had such a great time roaming around and exploring.  That night Natalie met us at our hotel and we walked to a crepe place for dinner.  The next morning we watched her dance across the stage to receive her Dance major diploma.  I speak for both Alex and I when I say, we are so extremely proud of Nat and were so thrilled to be able to share in that special day with her.

10 Month Stats

*No doctors appointments this month so it's anyones guess on how much the girls weigh*

Emma: Such a happy baby!  (Who would have thought that when she was 3 months old and colicky??)  Her top two teeth are coming in and she is still working on feeding herself finger foods--she is quite messy and takes foreverrrr hehe.  She has started standing unassisted and balancing for a few seconds and even took one step, froze, then sat down!  She will literally start walking any day now I think!  She is so vocal (they both are) and carries on full conversations, although we have no idea what she's saying.

Olivia: Such a silly baby!  You can literally pretend to tickle her and she will crack up for hours!  Her top two teeth are ginormous but so stinking cute!!  She is an expert at feeding herself and using her straw cup but still loves to be craddled for her bedtime bottle.  She refuses to sleep unless beanie dog is in her crib and we recently had to invest in several more to have in case of emergencies.  She stands and cruises along the furniture but really has no desire to walk on her own.  She is extremely loud when she babbles and I blame dad for this entirely as he has volume competitions with the girls at the dinner table :-)

Dad met us at the zoo on his lunch break!

Checking out the hotel room

"I approve!"

This looks familiar??

Oy vey!  She turned this lamp on and off a hundred times!
You'd think they had never seen a TV before
There she goes dancing across the stage!

Dance Department Graduates

10 months!

Watch out world!!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

I've Got Places to Go Ma!

Oh little Emma...you are much too small and young to be thinking about walking!  Unfortunately, she doesn't seem to care that this is too soon for me.  I was ok with her cruising along furniture but now with her walker toy she has full run of the land.  I won't be surprised if she actually walks before Olivia--Lu doesn't seem to have the same desire to walk--she'd rather jump or climb.  

Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day 2012

 I thoroughly enjoyed my first Mother’s Day with my girls OUTSIDE the womb!  Last Mother’s Day I was big and uncomfortable and pretty much miserable :-(  This year was so much more pleasant and memorable.  Alex took the monitor with him when he woke up so I got about an extra hour of sleep while he made a yummy french toast bake breakfast.  I received two lovely cards from my little ladies, 2 dozen roses from Alex, and a ginormous orchid with a ton of buds close to blooming.  *Orchids are special to us as it was the first gift Alex ever gave me.  On our first date he showed up with a potted orchid and a book on caring for them.  At the time I thought it was strange for an 18 year old to bring a potted plant to a first date but it turned out to be quite the tradition for us.  The tradition has mostly been my remarkable talent to single-handedly kill each and every orchid Alex has ever given me :-( No matter how carefully I read that book cover to cover, no matter how closely I followed his nana’s orchid advice, I have not managed to keep any orchid alive to rebloom for a second time.  For those who have seen my tattoo that is its purpose—a permanent orchid I cannot kill :-)  And ever the faithful husband, Alex continues to purchase the nicest, most expensive orchids in the hopes that I finally make peace with my beloved potted friends.  

Later in the evening we met up with everyone for dinner at Buca Di Beppo and it was such a great time.  I'm looking forward to many more Mother's Days with my family!


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Fun in the Sun

The girls are super busy-bodies and in order to keep our house in tact we have to come up with lots of outlets for them.  We've been doing a lot of swimming, playing at the park, and building forts.

Cutest kiddos ever: playing Peek-a-Boo with each other

Emma LOVES to watch the famous talking twins :-)

Emma's new favorite thing to do is to give anyone and anything a big wet kiss!

Building forts with daddy

We had some visitors!

Daddy trying out his hiking pack with the girls
Park day!
Ummm this face??? I love it! 
Enjoying the whole 2-acre park to ourselves!
My loves

Our new rafts!
The whale was a fail :-( The tail just hung on her head haha. 

And this is what happens when mommies have to use the restroom...they come back to everyone without pants and one who has managed to lose BOTH socks.  Emma's face just about sums this up!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

When the Lion Pounces on the Zebra...

Now, I know I say all the time how the girls are growing up too quickly and I wish they would be babies forever but....I am truly coming to enjoy this phase of their life (this awkward not a baby not a toddler phase).  In the last few days the girls have started doing something I can only describe as "play wrestling."  Every time they do it I am unable to get my phone or the video camera out in time to capture it.  This is how it goes: almost every time it begins with Emma initiating the wrestling, followed by Olivia laughing hysterically, and then they each go their separate ways unscathed.  I know that last part my change as they get older and bigger but for now I'm happy they're wrestling out of love and not over a pair of shoes. The first couple times they wrestled I would quickly pull Emma off Lu out of fear but a couple days ago, since dad was supervising, we let them go to see what would happen.  Now, they constantly wrestle and crack each other up the entire time: