Tuesday, May 1, 2012

When the Lion Pounces on the Zebra...

Now, I know I say all the time how the girls are growing up too quickly and I wish they would be babies forever but....I am truly coming to enjoy this phase of their life (this awkward not a baby not a toddler phase).  In the last few days the girls have started doing something I can only describe as "play wrestling."  Every time they do it I am unable to get my phone or the video camera out in time to capture it.  This is how it goes: almost every time it begins with Emma initiating the wrestling, followed by Olivia laughing hysterically, and then they each go their separate ways unscathed.  I know that last part my change as they get older and bigger but for now I'm happy they're wrestling out of love and not over a pair of shoes. The first couple times they wrestled I would quickly pull Emma off Lu out of fear but a couple days ago, since dad was supervising, we let them go to see what would happen.  Now, they constantly wrestle and crack each other up the entire time:

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