Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Home Sweet Home *For Reals*

Today we finally closed on our house!  These last few weeks have been trying, stressful, and at times just plain awful but it's over...we are officially residents of Agua Dulce!  Since everything finalized late in the day there was really no point in trying to accomplish anything so we just decided to take the girls over and let them run around for a bit exploring their new surroundings (Dozer as well).  Tomorrow we will start cleaning the place out, painting, and restoring the wood floors.  I'm very much looking forward to physical stress as opposed to the mental stress we've been dealing with hehe.  Here are some pictures from today:

This step is tricky business!
For the most part Emma's got the hang of the step...
You would think we never let them run around!

...still working on this step...
I promise to behave myself :-)

The girls' room (minus the dune buggies of course)

Dozer out exploring

The house is really ours!

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