Thursday, September 12, 2013

Hodge Podge

Things around here have been a little crazy with some remodeling we've been doing.  A few weeks ago we had a closet built in the big bonus room in preparation for moving the girls into that room.  Then we had the A/C and water heater worked on and currently we are having the master closet remodeled to make it more space efficient.  Our house has been LOUD and that's saying something because I'm used to yelling and screaming!  Unfortunately, the "loudness" has not gone over well with the girls so I've been busy trying to keep them occupied.  We've been going on lots of walks, swimming, doing lots of coloring, and we've been taking a gymnastics class with Reaghan and Ryleigh. Can I just pause and say that watching a bunch of 2 and 3 year olds attempt gymnastics is hilarious?  All mine did was run away and jump on the trampoline or refuse to get out of the foam pit.  I feel like the world's biggest idiot PAYING for that kind of chaos but the girls enjoy it and they definitely need to socialize with kids besides each other and their cousins.

Back to the title of this post: Hodge Podge.  This post is just a compilation of all the randomness going on in our lives the last few weeks as well the unloading of numerous photos off my phone :-)  Below I've included some notes on the girls at this age (I jot down the date and these notes in my phone for their baby books):

26 Months

Olivia:  Loves to say "Oh gosh!" and "Good God!" Randomly busts out singing the Happy Birthday song on a daily basis except her version goes like this:  Happy birthday LuLu, happy birthday LuLu, happy birthday Dear LuLu, happy birthday LuLu.  We don't correct her because even when we say "TO YOU" she still says "LULU!!!" Could swing all day on the rope at gymnastics and knocks other kids down when they try to play on the balloon obstacle course with her (eeekk).  Not a single 2-year molar yet (which is weird because she got all her teeth before Emma in the past).

Emma:  Begins most of her sentences with "Ummmm"= drives me insane, it's like living with a teenager already.  Recently learned to catch a ball and is pretty darn proud of herself.  Also loves the rope above the foam pit at gymnastics but especially loves the trampoline (where she too knocks down other kids....see a theme here?  We're working on not pushing in this house, ugghhh).  Her bottom left 2-year molar came in and has made her a terrible sleeper and angry kid in general...only three more to go, only three more to go....

Current favorite song of both girls: Olly Muirs "Dance With Me Tonight"

*I may have already explained this somewhere but it's recently come up a few times...why do we call Olivia Lu?  To me, I think, "Duh, she's totally a Lu!"  But I get that to others it seems a far stretch from Olivia.  So here it is--you take a simple formula + lazy parents: Olivia-->became Livi-->became Livi LuLu-->became LuLu-->became Lu. Ta-Da!!  Now I just can't imagine calling her anything else because I think Lu fits her quirkiness 100%.*

My photos ended up having a theme--the 1st set are all about hair and the 2nd set are all about sleeping...

She's developed a weird love of wigs...

Begged me to give her pigtails...I struggled to manage this but she was THRILLED

Curly Sue

Those are Emma's feet hanging out of her crib on the left

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