Monday, October 14, 2013


I can't tell you how thankful I am that Fall brought us some cooler weather!  I normally am all for the warmer weather but for some reason this year it just wore on me a lot harder. Honestly, at one point we were doing our daily morning walks at 8am!! I will NOT miss dodging sprinklers and trash trucks, that's for sure :-)  We've already been able to do a lot more fun outdoor things since the weather changed: we've gone to the zoo, Lombardi's, we've been checking out different local parks, and we wrapped up our indoor activity of gymnastics this past Friday. We rounded out this past week by getting our flu shots and the girls were AMAZING! There were no tears and the entire clinic was so impressed with them (little did they know I promised Cinnabon...). Even the little old man fom Up came into the clinic to say he heard down the hall that there were two brave babies in the flu shot clinic :-) Ok so maybe he just looked like the man from Up but I was hoping the girls weren't going to yell out Carl!!

Zoo October 2013

She wanted to pose like the family behind her...set herself up like this :-)

Watching the neigh-neighs

Scarecrow Alley

Look mom, twins!
Decorating for Halloween

Babysitting P-nut
Dozer sleeps in front of the girls' room :-)
Last day of gymnastics

She wanted to play baseball with the little boys so bad

Knocked out after flu shots
Unrelated to anything except I am in LOVE with these dip clips.  These girls insist on dipping pretty much everything they eat so I found these little guys online and they make my life so much easier!

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