Thursday, October 17, 2013

Hot Buns

Minds outta the gutter guys...I'm talking about the hair tool.  Totally random post today but since I spent a good 20 minutes cursing out this little device (that I have a love-hate relationship with) I thought I'd extend my rant here.  Most people that spend time with me know my hair is up almost all the time. There are several factors at work here: time, energy, kids, curls, getting my hair stuck in th car door, dipping it in everything from my food to dirty diapers (ya, it's happened, more times then I care to admit), I could go on and on.  The most obvious solution to all this is to cut it. But alas, I just cannot part with my long locks.  In a fit of anger I DID cut about 4 inches off a few weeks ago but those 4 inches seem irrelevant at this point.'s just easier for it to be up and out of my way since I rarely find time to straighten my curly craziness.  After many a-late-nights with babies and infomercials I started trying out all the different "bun tools" out there. Nothing worked with my odd combination of hair: curly, fine, and layered. That is until me and Hot Buns met.  Here begins my love-hate relationship. These suckers work wonderfully in my hair, don't give me a headache, are easy to use, are quick to use, and are cheap.  However, all those fine points fly out the window the minute I try to take the thing out. Then all of a sudden I become a trash-talking trucker that would make even my husband blush. How can something so easy to put in become a torture device that would bring grown men to their knees??  The worst part of all is that tomorrow I'll stick one in my hair knowing full well that 12 hours later I'm going to be hopping around my bathroom yelling at myself in the mirror for putting the stupid thing in....I guess in some ways they're a little like child birth...

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