Monday, August 3, 2015

4 Year Check Up

The girls had their 4-year check up the day after their birthday. They were champs for two sets of shots and bloodwork. They are both long, skinny things!

Emma: 40.5 inches 65th percentile
            31 lbs 5 oz 16th percentile

Olivia: 39 inches 50th percentile
          27 lbs 13 oz 2nd percentile 

No boys allowed :-)
All Emma wants is to be able to carry a baby around. Unfortunately most babies weigh more than her!
I don't think we will ever understand the way these two always gravitate towards each other!
Patiently waiting for me to give him some of my food but then he fell asleep!
Fell asleep clutching her Bass Pro loot!
Don't dads have the best ideas ever?? I guess it's better than the cap gun she wanted at Bass Pro last time. 

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