Monday, August 17, 2015


Whether I was ready or not, the girls attended their 1st day of preschool today. I knew back in February when we registered that this was going to be emotional for me but it wasn't until the parent meeting last Friday that it truly hit me. Sitting in their classroom, going over forms made it so real. We are so fortunate to be in a position for me to stay home and I really am not ready to give up my time with them! But...I'm rational enough to realize how important this experience is so off they went this morning. Alex knew I was struggling with this big event so he took today off to be there for the girls and me. The girls handled it all beautifully. They didn't cry, complain, or even seem all that worried. They hugged and kissed us goodbye and then started asking every child around them what their name was. Alex had to practically drag me out of the classroom. We then hit up the grocery store. So simple right? Nope. It was the first time in over 4 YEARS Alex and I had been to the grocery store without kids. It was going great (slowly browsing, comparing prices for once instead of grabbing the easiest to reach item, etc) until we ran into gymnastics friends and the girls' friend was there. We chatted like normal extracurricular parents do but in my head I was like oh god, I wish the girls were here to giggle like "K" and hey, why isn't she in preschool and oh god, I hope they're giggling at preschool. Yaaaaa, the first day was rough on me...But then, before we knew it it was time to pick them up! I was so excited I made Alex go early and we had to wait in the car because we were too early! They were so excited to see is and tell us all about their day. They had so much fun and were yelling out goodbyes to all their new friends, hugging and kissing their teachers goodbye (those who know my kids won't be surprised, but my children can be overly familiar with people), and skipping back to the car.  After we ate lunch at home they crashed big time. The girls stopped napping at 2 and in the last 2 years they've probably napped in their beds a total of 10 times (of those 10, 7 were probably during times of sickness!). All in all it went as well as can be expected. I hope to handle it better the rest of the week but I think on my end it is just going to take time!
This was the point I realized they didn't even care I was still in the room...

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