Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Growing Girls

It seems like in just this past month the girls' vocabulary has exploded! They're using sentences more, responding thoughtfully to questions, singing along to songs, they both can count 1-2-3, and are both just non-stop chatting.  They are also becoming more coordinated and agile: they love dressing and undressing themselves, they can even put the right shoes on their feet about 90% of the time, they have a shopping cart and a baby stroller that they drag race around the house with, and even their once calm baths have turned into mayhem where they request "more water" so that they can swim in the tub.

Emma's Talking Quirks:

Asking if every single thing she touches, picks up, sees, etc is hers. Her words, "Is it mine?" Doesn't matter if you tell her it's hers or not, it's still hers.  She rules this house with an iron first.

In addition to assuming everything is hers, she also assumes a lot of things are "hot." When something is dangerous and I just can't figure out how to explain it to her I say it's hot.  I know, I know, I'm setting her up for some major confusion! Emma catchphrase #2- "Is it hot?"

Continuing in line with the fact that Emma questions everything, she also asks if we see a baby, "Is it my baby?" Recently with new baby cousins and new baby friends the girls have become OBSSESSED with babies.  If we see a baby in person, on tv, in a book, a doll, etc. Emma is sure to ask whether it is her baby.

She loves to sing the alphabet song but pretty much makes the letters up as she goes, however she does like to shout "Peeeeeee" at the end of L-M-N-O-P. 

Olivia's Talking Quirks:

When we're in the car, if I excelerate, Lu likes to yell out, "here we go!"

If a song comes on that she likes she'll say,"let's dance!"

Continuing on with songs...the kid LOVES her music.  She is a particular fan of Taylor Swift and Bruno Mars...she can sing Begin Again and Locked Out of Heaven like nobody's business.  I try to limit Locked Out of Heaven because of the s-e-x reference but unfortunately this kid gets her sailor mouth from her father and has already used colorful words like sh--, f--k, and crap.  Yaaaaa, be me in Target when you're 1 year old says "oh f--k." Thanks Alex...

Overall, Lu's vocab is just all over the place--she likes to talk about the moon, any clocks she sees, she can pretty much name any animal (her favs being elephants and monkeys), she mimics me when I'm on the phone (to the point that I can't use bluetooth in the car because she talks over me),  and she pretty much copies whatever anyone, anywhere says...hence her colorful language :-)

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