Monday, July 22, 2013

2 Year Check-Up

Thought I'd give a little update on the girls' 2-year check-up appointment.  I promise to get up some birthday party pictures and their "2 Year Photo Shoot" just as soon as I can (which, to be honest, will probably be in August haaaa).

Grandma helped me out at the doctor's office and thank goodness because Emma just hates that place.  You would think Olivia would have the fear with all her extra appointments and specialists but no, Emma clings like a cat you're trying to drop in the tub (and I know what that is like....ugghhh fleas...).  Anyways, back on topic!  We lucked out with no vaccinations but Emma wouldn't even stand on the scale for the nurse and then tried to jump out of the baby weigh bucket up high on the counter.  That was about when I started sweating...thankfully Lu was an angel and I think her calmness helped Emma (very little but it was better than two freaked out kids).  After all the measuring both were declared healthy--skinny little things but tall :-) Lu is back following her own curve for weight even though she isn't even on the chart (being that she is below the 5th percentile) but since she is following her own curve and the nutritionist's notes show she is actually getting the calorie intact she needs we won't have to go back to the nutritionist!  Emma is perfectly average weight-wise and TALL...she was taller than the measuring tape they had :-)  It was a quick appointment and for that I was super thankful because one bad morning can set off the whole day with these girls!

Weight: somewhere between 24-25lbs thanks to her scale shenanigans
Height: 36.25 inches 95th percentile

Weight: 21.8lbs
Height: 34.5 inches 75th percentile

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