Sunday, August 4, 2013

Shiver Me Timbers Two Year Olds!

I still haven't adjusted to having 2-year olds!  I mean, I adjusted long ago to terrible 2 behavior thanks to Queen Emma who rules this place, but it's saying the actual number that weirds me out.  I literally feel like I was just watching them on the ultrasound screen! Fun fact that is completely unrelated: Alex and I can look back at ultrasound pictures these days and instantly know who it is without looking at the "A" or "B" tag.  I remember at the time getting confused without the tags but as most can see now, these ladies are clearly two (very) different little ladies.  Anyways....the number just freaks me out because it keeps going up (imagine that).  I want everything to slow down and I just want to preserve all their cute behavior, faces, words, etc. forever (the tantrums could be wiped clean from my memory, that's ok).

We threw the girls a "Jake and the Neverland Pirates" birthday the day before their actual birthday.  We kept it a little smaller this year since we haven't completely gotten the house settled and were leaving for vacation just a few days after the party.  My mom made the girls the cutest little pirate outfits and headbands for all the guests.  We kept it simple with dinner from Final Score but then went overboard on desserts overnighted from NY from our favorite Momofuko's Milk Bar :-) All in all it was a great evening spent with our nearest and dearest and as I always say our girls are incredibly lucky to be surrounded by so many amazing people who contribute so much to their happiness. 

Birthday party morning

Meema's early gifts :-)
Ready to party
Even great-grandma got in the spirit with a headband
Cousins <3
Toddler Tea Party

Fighting over one of the first gifts...typical
Custom capes from Auntie Lolo!

We practiced blowing out candles all week but the pressure of the moment got to them hehe

Actual birthday morning: I'm a mean mom who always takes pictures the morning of big events.  Don't mind their make-shift bedroom, their real room is under construction and hopefully before they start kindergarten I can reveal it haha.

Birthday morning: chocolate chip pancakes

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