Sunday, December 29, 2013

Toddler Problems...

I just wanted to take a moment to rant about the newest problem in our house or as I like to say, the seventh circle of hell we've entered: the my-child-has-developed-a-sense-of-self (regarding fashion in our sense). Now before I rant, let's be clear--I am totally all for a sense of self and independence in small children. What I'm not ok with is the epic tantrums that ensue during these moments of independence.  Don't get me wrong, I would let either of these kids walk out of the house dressed like circus performers if it's what they really wanted but somedays getting from naked to clothed is like trying to square the circle. In fairness, Lu is pretty easy to please and go with the flow...Emma...not so much. I fear for this household come teenage years. An example of her recent assertion of fashion independence: we spent an ENTIRE day last week arguing over a pair of jeans she insisted needed to be rolled to her knees.  We finally compromised with them cuffed at her ankles but it was literally an ongoing dilemma all day. A few nights ago she INSISTED she needed SIX bows in her hair and when I didn't put one in the right spot she made me start over. When I threatened to take them all out she threw them at me. Yaaaaa. In these moments I usually just laugh but then I panic thinking I'm sending the wrong message because the behavior is in fact NOT funny but I digress....I guess where I'm going with all this is that we are all adjusting to some very new issues in this house. The girls want to be in charge of their bodies and clothes and I want to let them so long as things aren't being thrown at my head. I remember when I use to think teething was an awful milestone but nothing could have prepared me for the day they decided they were their own person :-)

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